Shower Seating devices
Bath and Transfer Benches
Shower Chairs
High-end shower wheel Chair with recline feature
Description of the Device
Shower seating allows individuals with limited mobility or injury to sit while they shower. This can provide independence and peace of mind for people who are at risk of falling so they can enjoy their shower while maintaining personal hygiene.
With a transfer tub bench the user can sit down on the outside of the bathtub, swing their legs over the tub wall and enter the tub by grasping the armrest and sliding across the plastic transfer bench. The legs and backrest are typically height-adjustable to fit different tubs and for extra stability and comfort.
Use of the Device
Decreased mobility, hygiene, safety, bathing and low endurance.
Temporary or Permanent Equipment Considerations
Temporary conditions may require options that can be removed.
Permanent conditions may require remodeling or changing the physical environment.
Shower seating devices are typically temporary. A more permanent solution would be remodeling the bathroom and constructing a bench in the shower.
Shower seating devices are relatively inexpensive and begin around $23.00. Bath transfer bench devices are relatively inexpensive but more expensive than a shower chair and begin at $41. High end shower wheelchairs can begin at $800. Remodeling your shower would be the most expensive option. Consult with a professional contractor. Prices may vary.
Support Needs (caregiver)
If not independent with transfers support will be needed.
Many options and styles are available. Consult with your health care provider to determine which device is appropriate.
Contraindications for device use
Each device with have a maximum weight capacity for safety. Check weight limits specified by equipment manufactures and consult with a health care provider to determine which type of equipment is appropriate for your individual needs.
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