Description of the Device
Reachers have many uses throughout the home, but they can be particularly useful for dressing. Leaning forward to pull up pants, or put on socks and shoes can be dangerous after an injury or surgery. Reachers take away the need to bend at the hip, and essentially extend a persons arm so they can reach the floor.
Use of the device
This device is used for individuals who may have trouble reaching safely, or when reaching is not recommended by a physician. After hip replacement individuals who bend too far at the hip risk re-injury, and possibly another surgery.
Low Cost
Support Needs (caregiver)
Caregiver may be needed for some dressing assistance but these low tech devices can greatly reduce the need for help and increase independence.
Contraindications for device use
Always ask your OT, physician and care team before purchasing equipment to ensure it is right for you or your loved one.
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