Handheld Shower
For individuals who are unable to stand in the shower due to balance deficits, poor endurance, or are a high fall risk, handheld showerheads increase independence while showering from a seated position.
Use of the Device
Decreased mobility, energy conservation, poor balance and safety.
The hand held shower can be easily removed if no longer needed or desired.
Permanent conditions may require remodeling or changing the physical environment.
If you are considering mounting the hand held shower to the tiling it will leave holes behind when removed.
This is a low cost solution with options starting at $12. Prices may vary.
Support Needs (caregiver)
If using a mounting system, make sure the handheld shower can be easily removed from the mount independently.
Contraindications for Device Use
Consult with your health care provider to determine if this is an appropriate device for your needs.
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